Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Assisting a Pro & a Bonus Wildlife Outing

Yesterday afternoon, at Kinsmen Beach Park in Invermere, I assisted one of our local professional photographers, Kyla Brown, with a test shoot for the upcoming grad class/prom.

It is always a pleasure working with Kyla, as she's very open to sharing information and answering noob questions. And she invited me to assist on Saturday afternoon, when she'll be shooting the 100 grad's in all their finery - individual portraits which will be shot under some lovely shade trees in the park, and the group shot which will be somewhere downtown closer to the event venue. Looking forward to that!

While we were out, I was amazed at how much wildlife there is in and around this lakeside park ... ospreys, gophers, western painted turtles ... so I spent 45 minutes or so after wrapping up the test shoot, seeing what I could capture! Here are some results:

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